People Get Ready

Setting up for tonight’s gig. We’re using a new (to us) PA which belts out a considerable amount of sound so I don’t think we’ll be in any danger of not being heard! Because it’s all new, it took a little while to get everything dialled in, but the soundcheck went ok, although there are definitely earthing problems in the pub somewhere as all our amps are buzzing slightly. Shouldn’t be a problem once we’re actually playing, just need to remember to turn down or keep the strings muted between songs.
I’ve come home for a bite to eat and a rest, before heading back in time for the first set at 9.00pm. We’re planning on playing until just before midnight and then stop for a bit, whilst the bar closes so the bar staff can see in the new year. We’ll probably then do a short set to finish off the night, hopefully being finished by 1.00am.
By which time I suspect I’ll be absolutely knackered! I started off the day raring to go, so went for a 5K run followed by an hour in the gym. A bit of lunch and then it was off to Barrow to start setting up. But now I’m back home for tea, I’m going to need a quick kip before setting off again!
Looking forward to it though. It’s ticket only at the pub, so should be a good crowd. We’ve had enough practices to feel confident that we’ll deliver a good night out for everyone, and I really enjoy playing all the songs in the set.
And - let’s face it - this might be everyones last night out for some time, if all the partying results in too many covid hospitalisations, thus putting the NHS under too much pressure. But I’ll worry about that next year!

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