Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2021 Tuesday — RJ’s First Train

A few days before Christmas our granddaughter Ashly (without an “e”), phoned to ask us about the train that used to be under our Christmas tree and the one that used to be under her Great-Grammie Fun’s tree. The long and short of it is that she was hoping that she could find a train for little RJ because she thinks he would really enjoy a train.

We have no idea where those old trains are or what happened to them. Back in 2018 when our lives were upside down and crazy because we were selling our house and we were selling Great-Grammie Fun‘s house and we were moving and everything in both houses was put in an estate sale, and we think those trains were sold and they are long gone.

So Gpaw Fun asked granddaughter Ashly if it would be possible to find and purchase a train before Christmas. She’s a whiz-bang on the Internet (as most young people are). As we were speaking with her, she had located and purchased a train for RJ through Amazon and it would be delivered in less than 24 hours. Sheeesh! So I asked for the dollar amount; she said $27 and some change, so I put a check for $30 in the mail to her so the train could be our gift to him plus what we had already sent.

So today, three days after Christmas, she rang us with a “FaceTime” call to show us RJ and his train.

I asked what were some of the other things he got for Christmas and she mentioned several things, and then said she thinks the train was the winner for being his favorite. So even though the train was not our idea, we were delighted that technically we gave him the train (these great-grandparents scored a point).

While we were having “FaceTime” Gpaw Fun captured these screenshots and I made them into a collage.

RJ is now exactly 2 1/2 years old (his birthday is June 24). Every six months he has a big event with presents. That was good planning.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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