More Snow

It must have snowed another few inches in the night because all the squirrel and bird tracks are gone and there's clearly new snow everywhere.  It's still cold, about 17 degrees, but forecast to warm up in the next few days.  I haven't even left the house so all I've got are snow blips and Lizzie has been unusually inactive so I can't depend on her for a kitty blip.  
I admit the snow is beautiful but living six years in Montana took the wonder of snow to a different level for me.  We dealt with snow nearly six months out of the year and rarely saw anything green like a blade of grass from late September to May.  It was a difficult adjustment for a California girl like myself to make, but I survived.  Nevertheless, a little snow goes a long way for me.  
Happy New Year everyone.  Maybe I'll get lucky and have a Squirrel blip for New Year's Eve tomorrow.  

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