Eden Project

A nice quote to end 2021 and also to complete my (non-continuous) 3 years on blip. The Eden Project is amazing and thought-provoking.  As I have a few extras left, here is an external shot of the Mediterranean biome and an internal shot of the Rainforest biome, to show the huge scale. It is full of weird and wonderful artworks, including this glass representation of a covid vaccine and a huge model of a cyanobacteria. The kids love the cyanobacteria as it puffs out smoke rings that represent the fact that it was the first organism known to have photosynthesised oxygen and hence enabled most of life on earth.

Finally a different quote about the fact that human beings are not single organisms but are really complex colonies. A baby in the womb is 100% homo sapiens but as soon as it is born it is colonised by bacteria and viruses (most of which are beneficial). An adult typically has 2kg of other organisms and couldn't survive without them. How amazing is that! So Happy New Year to all of you!

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