
Thank you everyone for all the comments and stars and hearts yesterday. They were much appreciated.  Today being the start of a new year I'm full of good resolutions.  I will take better pictures, I will lose weight, I will have a housework rota. I will try to exercise and walk more and  be kinder.  Who knows, maybe some of it will stick.
So how have I fared today ?  Well I did get up a bit earlier for a start and I changed the bed and the towels and got the washing done. Wrapped up a present for Emma and Mariah and their new baby Wyatt and gave it to Andy to deliver tonight.  He's fully recovered from norovirus and we had a good doorstep chat.  It's so mild and the sun was out which was nice.  Went home and took down the Christmas decorations.  The cards are still there for the moment.  Cleared the kitchen notice board of a year's accumulation of cards, postcards, photos etc. and put up my new calendars.  Photographed the cyclamen using a tripod for once and gave some thought to what and where I might photograph during the week. Not too bad for day one.  I wonder how many days it will last.  Birnie Loch always gets packed with cars at this time of year as people resolve to walk every day.  Give it a fortnight and they've gone.  I'm hoping I manage to  keep going a little bit longer than that.

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