Midnight runners

Somehow I managed to stay awake long enough to make it to the start line of the 10km at midnight. Helped by pre-drinks at Vic’s, although in hindsight I wouldn’t recommend drinking Prosecco before a run. The race started at midnight and it was lovely to be running through the quarry as various fireworks went off around the town and runners with head torches and glow sticks bobbed along. Definitely a fun way to start the year! I paid for it today though and it was a lazy / dozy day.

I’m somewhat prone to lots of reflection and thoughts toward the New Year, but I’m becoming increasingly less bothered about this - hopefully a sign of contentment that comes from being reasonably happy in one’s skin. As with most years though, I would like to make sure that I carry on with my 50 book target and generally try to be as adventurous as I can be. Added to that list this year is the desire to be a more patient listener and someone who offers wise counsel. Basically, I want to become like my heroes and mentors.

Perhaps the past two years have also taught us to tread carefully into the New Year? As much as we would like to set goals and intentions, the world has been a hard place to maintain much control. So maybe the plan is to embrace whatever it is this year will bring? Let’s give it a whirl.

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