Sandcrab Blips

By Sandcrab

Apple Shed

I’ve tried to stick to the rules so far, but it has struck me that I won’t be the first to post photos taken prior to the blip date, so any NY resolution not to break the rules is broken. This photo was taken yesterday near where I spent the first 5 years of my life.

JeanSnaps remarked on places where she’d lived having been demolished. My first home still stands but its outlook to the front has changed. In my day, there were an orchard and an old house where lived a very old (to me) couple dressed in black – then I thought they were husband & wife but actually they were Mr & Miss K, father & daughter. There were hostile geese too and I remember my father carrying me on his shoulders into a dark outbuilding to collect some apples.

Now the orchard is no more. It has been replaced by a modern housing estate, but the building in the photo still exists. It might, just might, be the apple store with a hole in the roof.

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