Snow blizzard

Unexpectedly our daughter stayed overnight, so yesterday evening was different than usually. We watched funny movie "Coming 2 America" from Amazon prime and ate some chips. Also sunday was different than normally, as we all slept late (me too, what a wonder) and had all too late breakfast. There had been snowing during the morning. Light and lovely stuff to shovel, so I cleaned the yard and car. Less than 10cm layer.

Nice walk with my daughter trough the woods to the nearby lake just to check what kind of a skiing trail there is. The weather was cloudy but clear and lovely at that time,-5c.

Poor hubby had to stay home, as he is about to travel to Beijing Olympics soon and somekind of a health checking system (as recently seems to be the system due prevention of corona) had to be downloaded and started to use today. Some difficulties with system downloading, but after some hours trials and errors and with help of his workmates he finally made it.

I visited in flower shop with my daughter in the evening, she bough some hyacinths and one saintpaulia, before we drove her home. A snow blizzard had started.

To my mind this kind of a weather is just great to walk, heavy though. Of course a bit tricky and even dangerous for driving, as you do not see around properly and if ploughers are not there fast enough. I wonder how much snow will be delivered during the night... More shoveling for tomorrow, not interested to do any outdoors activity in the evening.


Ps. Hubby's brother and his family all have corona. They have an apartment in Lappland, Vuotso, and stayed there for Christmas. During Christmas season they had been downhill skiing in Saariselkä after which their first symptoms came. They are double or triple vaccinated and at the time their symptoms are mild. Hopefully the situation stays like that.

In Finland for example in Helsinki area already 40% of all tested cases are corona positive. That is a lot. Hopefully this Omikron continues not to give too strong symptoms. The hospitals are not fully loaded now, it feels odd and good!

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