Allotment 2022 onwards

By misetak

Slug recycling

I have spent the whole morning on the plot, mostly in the polytunnel as it needed tidying up and the temperature was a balmy 10-12°C inside. Broad beans and sweet peas are sown, other plants tidied up and the alpine strawberries potted on. I also dug over the main border in there, so it is ready for action now. 
The blip is the slug recycling plant on the next plot, aka Thomas's chickens. They are very efficient (I've not seen a slug escape yet) and produce very nice eggs. No slugs for them today, but they did get the weeds that had the temerity to grow in the tunnel, including the bind weed. That doesn't survive their attention either.
The chap on the left is a very pretty bantam cockerel, who has his hands full with his larger ladies.

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