Deck of Cards

Not quite a full deck actually - only 38 Christmas cards received this year. Which is still more than I expected. We took the decision several years ago to stop sending cards to anyone outside of immediate family, and make a donation to charity instead. The last cards we sent to friends did say that there wouldn’t be any more but if they still wished to send one to us, that was fine.
When I went through the cards to see who had sent them, I discovered that most were from family or neighbours (we all give each other cards in our little cul-de-sac) as well as a couple from charities we support and the local MP. Which left only 17 from friends and acquaintances, so not really that many after all.
You can no doubt tell from the way that they are piled on top of a load of Christmas decorations, that today was the day everything was put away for another year. We took the opportunity to have a bit of a sort out at the same time and a few old decorations have been thrown out and the rest packed in a far more logical way, so that they take up less space in the loft. Incidentally, if you look closely at the picture you will see the one ornament I am allowed to put on the tree - the little guitar.
Still need to dust and hoover to get rid of all remaining glitter and tinsel strands which cover the carpets and furniture, but couldn’t be bothered this afternoon and went to the gym instead. First workout of the year and it went really well - some good weight lifted. My trainer claims this is because all the calories consumed over Christmas actually make you stronger, hence why all the finalists in “Worlds Strongest Man” are such big lads! I can see where he’s coming from, but I’d still sacrifice a bit of that strength in exchange for a smaller waistline.

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