Books from my .......
....... Christmas gifts.
I've just finished the book on the left and started the one on the right. My genre is Crime / Thrillers , not everyone's choice, but on the whole I like most literature but we all have favourites don't we?
I really like the style of Peter May's writing tho' his books are quite dark. This one being no exception, also very sad and moralistic . For me these writings give " Food for thought". John Grisham I haven't read for several years now , tho' I did like them when I did. He too always have a moralistic touch to them, and his fight for justic. I'm sure by now you must have an idea of why I like such books!
The weather looked good , with the sun shining until 10.0am, then came the rain! It has stopped now but still looks grey and the temperature is 3%c now . Yes , me thinks we are going to feel some colder days in the next few weeks.
Just hope you have and are making the best of Tuesday, keep save and warm folks.
Now to finish the job I started yesterday. Putting to bed , for another year, the C/ decorations.
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