
By DramaQueen


Mr A’s van was beautifully adorned with frost this morning; such lovely patterns on the roof. We had a great view of them from the bedroom window.

I should have been back to work today, but my boss is being totally paranoid and interpreting the rules as he sees fit. Long story short before this turns into a massive rant!!!, he’s cancelled my sessions for the week. He’s incredibly stubborn, so there’s no point arguing trying to reason with him.

Luckily, I work elsewhere, so I can do my other days as normal and at least earn something this week.

Tomorrow is actually a training day; we are going to start offering sedation, so my more forward thinking boss is keen that I learn this too.
I’m really looking forward to it as it means a new skill to add to my CV and, more importantly, it means I will be able to offer the service to our more nervous patients :-)

DQ x

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