A dinosaur in the snow?

This is a model of a Dromaeosaurus at the Snowsaurus event at Painshill Park in Cobham,Surrey. 
We took our twin grandchildren today to see all the dinosaurs…( both their parents working but their school not open until tomorrow)  it was very chilly and drizzly too but they scooted around and knew lots of them better than me…. very good for four year olds!  I had visited previously in November on a sunny day when there were still leaves on the trees so rather different this time as there was ‘snow’ on the ground.

All the models looked better from a distance than close up and I also found that they were all of a similar size, even the T-  Rex was not much bigger than this one. Apparently this Dromaeosaurus was a small carnivore the size of a wolf. This model was much bigger than a wolf ?!  So the sense of scale was lacking throughout. I think older children might wonder about this too.

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