Reach Out and Touch

Somebody's Hand
Make This World a Better Place
If You Can

I am backblipping this now (Friday) and having a hard time remembering what I did today.. oh yeah I remember :)

Well, I worked all day, but around 16.30 there was an end-of-the-month drink and I joined the sonar group to the basement. There I talked to people from the sonar group, and I also met up with two people from the HiTecMasterclass and two people who also studied AI in Groningen. It was good fun :)
I considered going to the Koninginnenacht, but I was quite tired and not really feeling like mixing in a big crowd, because I was planning to go to Amsterdam fairly early in the morning on the 30th.

Then I remembered I still had to blip.. so I started shooting random awful photos in my room and then I ran out of battery! and my spare batteries were empty too :( so a bit of a lousy shot today, I liked the light effect though :)
Phone blipping for the next two days...

curves, black & white

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