Stephanie's Shots

By stephanie


in Amsterdam!

Although people had warned me, I went anyway and faced the crowds that filled the streets. I met up with Jaldert and Tessa who live together in Amsterdam now, lovely apartment btw, and we had to cross Amsterdam to get to the Vondelpark, which was supposed to be the best place to hang out on Koninginnedag. It took us about two and a half hours or more to walk about 5km.. pff, but we got there in the end! We had an icecream and then walked back again to their apartment :)

They made me a lovely dinner (thanks again!), best I've had in some time, as I've been having microwave meals and salads most of the time this week and last week, because there are no cooking appliances at my dorm building. Then I had to get back to The Hague, huge crowds again at the train station, but I got a seat luckily and when I arrived in The Hague I was just in time to get my bus. Lucky me :)


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