After the Storm

It’s been a few weeks since Storm Arwen swept through Kendal but I’m still coming across evidence of the damage it caused. We took advantage of it being dry and sunny, albeit very cold, to go for a walk this afternoon. We needed a pint of milk, and rather than driving down to Asda, we donned sensible footwear and took the scenic route.
Crossing the old canal, I noticed that one of the coping stones was missing from the bridge. Closer investigation revealed areas that were fenced off and a large pile of cut up tree branches. There is a fallen stump of quite a large tree, and I’m guessing that it did all the damage when it fell. It’s obviously taken out the fence and I think it’s taken some pretty hefty branches off the tree next to it on the way down, before striking the top of the bridge. I presume all will be restored over the coming months as the old canal path is very popular with walkers, runners and cyclists.
Panto run through last night went ok. We should be ok on the scene changes, once we’ve done them a few more times. From the performance point of view, it just needs to speed up a bit - partly to keep the audiences engaged, but mostly so we don’t end up finishing at 11.00pm every night!
The big problem we have is that our King has had to pull out of the show due to illness. Having already lost the Baron for similar reasons, I’m not sure we can do another rewrite, so it may be a last minute stand in will have to be recruited - or press ganged!
No doubt all will become clear at tonight’s dress rehearsal…

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