After Dark
I had gone out for some camera therapy and all was going well till the phone calls started piling in from Yorkshire.
My extra is what I went out to get - a brambling.
I had everything set up for Dad coming home and 'David' the hospital discharge guy had sorted most of it bless him over many phone calls and I had had a long chat to finalise a lot today as I drove up to my no-existent owls. The parents carers had been contacted and everything was set for Dad to come out of hospital this afternoon. What could go wrong you ask?
Apparently the ambulance crew had refused to go as there hadn't been a risK assessment for going into the house. Now .... I have over the years given many many many many many instructions that there is only one step into the house. The lady on the other end of the phone was apologetic - well it wasn't her fault - that dad was down out of the ward in the ambulance area, that the carers had been reinstated and got tea together, that mum was excited, that I was relieved to be getting him home. No. A phone call to me as in the past for the crew had been overlooked and they refused to go. No-one takes notes these days either apparently or even bothers but I ask you what do the emergency crews do?
Then as my first owl for a long time flew over the field the Carers rang too AND then a kind lady stood outside my car, (I am in the dark high on the Cotswold hills on the phone with the window down) wanting to talk. I was still on the phone with various doctors scenarios for mum ....she must have heard that as she loitered for some time . 'Was I ok?' Ooooh ..... let me think. I did thank her and smile sweetly and tell her I was.
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