Feels like Winter

A plunge in temperatures following the very mild spell.   More wintry stuff decorating the higher places inland today.   Belatedly I took Meg for a walk  along the verges and across the Dysynni.   Traffic training for Meg whose farm bred instinct is still to bite the tyres of all the largest and noisiest vehicles :-/   Nice views up the river with Cader and Bird Rock beyond for me.  Chilly!

A negative result from yesterdays drive in test first thing today.   Despite having been quite ill, I didn't have Covid.   Not sure about the idea that LFT's are sufficient given that I had a positive one between my two negative PCRs.   Ruth's also had false positives.  

Admin and sorting stuff this morning.   TV time - Hawkeye - with Jamie late afternoon.    Food and feet up this evening hopefully.   Making  sure  feeling better sticks around!

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