
Spent the morning litter-picking along the Water of Leith - lovely day, though a bit nippy particularly on the extremities. Bulbs that we planted back in the autumn in Coalie Park are coming up; particularly pleasing to see the aconite buds. Bumped into G and S, and later Billy with his wee dug.

D went out to Musselburgh to spot birds, which amazingly included a kingfisher (more usual on the WoL), so he was very pleased. Took lots of photos of course but will he blip any of them?

Tricky to take photos whilst on a litter-pick (involves putting a lot of stuff down, removing gloves, finding camera, etc) so the best of a small bunch was this view of the Scottish Government building - I was intrigued by the array of flags, three saltires and one EU!

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