Wednesday: Granville Bridge

Cliff, the plumber, came round today.  Infinitely better than Lawrence, who just got quite panicky and ate all our Quality Street.  Cliff has managed to get our water back on, both hot and cold, as well as get the heating going again.  We love Cliff!

That said, we have still decamped to our Airbnb downtown as, in Cliff’s words, hundreds of gallons of water has passed through the concrete and wood in the basement.  So there is some serious drying out/demoulding etc to do.  To be honest, I suspect the fact that we have been in a damp, unheated, house has not helped our Covid coughs (which we both still have).

Barney is quite charmingly chilled in his new environment.  He seems fine but I suspect he will miss the outdoors before too long.

I think there is going to be some overegging of our city view for the next while so bear with me.

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