Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat


Another day of baking and of course I had to do a taste test of the good old reliable Date and Lemon Scones.  They were the second batch of baking out of the oven, the first cook off were the Banana and Walnut muffins.  We’re going to be dog sitting for a few days in Sydney next week and I thought it would be good to have a supply of goodies.  I’m pretty sure we will be treating it as if we’re in isolation because neither of us are keen to venture out into crowds while the numbers are so horrendous in Sydney and NSW in general.  It’s been raining off and on again today but we’re not complaining.  The plants are loving it and so is the water tank.  Another 18mm yesterday and our tank is full to the brim.
I Have added the link above to the Date and Lemon Scones for any of my blip buddies that would like a recipe for one of the most scrumptious scones on the planet and one of the easiest to make.  They featured on the first ever season of Masterchef in Australia and that was in 2012.  That means I’ve been making them for the last 9 years!!  Let me know how you go if you do have a go and make sure you follow the recipe to the letter, I’m sure you’ll be delighted with the result.  Oh and BlackBerry Jam and Real Cream are the icing on the cake!!!

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