By lizzie_birkett


We woke up to ice on the canal surrounding the boat. It melted later on when it started to rain heavily. Now it has stopped raining but it’s blowing an icy cold hoolie!
We were however toastie warm in bed with the new electric blanket - what a luxury!
Frank made a lovely warming vegetable soup for lunch.
I need to drag myself outside now to take Bella May walkies. I’m sure the perishing cold and wild wind will do me the world of good! Not! ;-[]

6/365. HOPE

Hope is a journey you feel compelled to make
It’s the destination at the end of the road
An empty flat where you put your few worldly goods
Hope is the welcoming smile of a neighbour
The first post that pops through your letter box
A cake and a card placed on your threshold
Hope is letting your loved ones know you’re OK
You’re at the end and the start of your journey
And the sun comes out and warms your face
Hope is when - one day - you forget to be homesick.

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