By lizzie_birkett

Making it up as I go along...

...is my usual style. I started off with a basic knitting pattern to get the sizing right then I just do my own thing! Originally I had other colours at the top - just leftovers of quite dull colours but then I bought that gorgeous no slaughter sheep wool and pulled the other back so I could use it. I love the colours!
I have to choose what colours to use next one will be purple and the other...I dunno yet.

I renewed my membership with Ancestry the other day so I was reacquainting myself with the family trees which I havent looked at for ages.

My knee is so much better that I ventured out for a walk round the block with Frank and Bella this afternoon. I hadn't realised quite how icy and slippery it was! I clung on to Frank for dear life in some parts.

I'm feeling quite anxious about the numbers of Covid cases rising so quickly and have no wish to go anywhere apart from a daily walk. I hear more and more about younger people getting it. Sabrina had the option to send Amelia and Lucy to school as she is a prison social worker but she decided against it and will work from home even though it can prove difficult if she's in a zoom meeting and they are squabbling in the background! She will do some of the work at night when they've gone to bed.

Amelia went wild skating again today :-)

Nearly book and bedtime.
I'm reading The Woman in the White Kimono by Ana Johns. I'm enjoying it so far.

Goodnight :-)X

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