A walk with the Jedi

The bigger wildlings have enjoyed their day being back at school and nursery. The boy's are over excited now, especially Xander. 

This morning I sorted through Harp's wardrobe and bagged up clothes for one of my neighbours grandchildren. There is a couple of years difference but she keeps putting them away for when she's bigger. 

The Jedi enjoyed going for a walk round the block this afternoon. He does so well at holding your hand but will bolt if he gets the chance. He loves to jump in muddy puddles so that's what he did when out and about. 

I managed to get twenty minutes on the rowing machine again today when Carson was sleeping, I might as well have a reason for my shoulder to hurt. And I really need to start exercising again. Apart from cycling I haven't done much this last year because of my shoulder. I see the consultant on the 17th to discuss my MRI results and to see if he agrees with my local consultant that I need surgery. I am on the countdown. 

Thanks for all your comments on my painting. I'm still not so sure about it so I have filed it away. If I have time over the weekend I may try out a watercolour tutorial. 
Hope you all have a lovely weekend. X 

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