Southerness lighthouse

I had the oven cleaned and some jobs done before 9 this morning. So when the Jedi was napping I went back to a painting I started a few months ago. It's not my usual style I do but it was a challenge. I'm not sure how I feel about it if I like it or not. One of my friends hates it but I guess that's what art is about. My mum likes it and she's my biggest critics'. 

The Wildlings have had a good day today and we had a catch up with my friend and son earlier. It's been a indoor day today as it has rained all day. 

Harp came into our bed about 12 last night so I didn't get a good sleep. But I'm refusing to sleep on her floor anymore. It's too sore on my shoulder. She's came in the last two nights. So let's see what tonight brings. 

Carson will find it strange tomorrow when the bigger wildlings start back at school and nursery. 

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