Herring Gull

Today's the day ........................ for a bad press

My Collins book of Scottish Birds  hasn't got anything very nice to say about herring gulls, the palest, commonest and most widespread of the big gulls.  

It says that they are noisy and aggressive, often dive-bombing intruders.  Their loud and strident early morning 'kyow' calls, make them decidedly unpopular with human neighbours - and because they often nest on rooftops in seaside towns, they're often sharing the same space.  They will scavenge almost any edible refuse and regularly follow boats at sea.  And that was probably why this one was loitering in Kirkcudbright Harbour today.  The fishing boats were tied up two abreast all along the quay.  I think the entire fleet must still be on their Christmas/New Year break.

Mind you, I spotted the electronic tag, fitted to the right ankle.  The local police at the monitoring centre will be keeping an eye on it - in case it tries to get up to any mischief .....................

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