The best way to say goodbye is with dough balls...

Tonight was my unofficial leaving do from work. I wanted to celebrate leaving with some of my favourite people. As I can't have alcohol, caffeine or sugar, I decided on the next best thing. Everybody loves a dough ball so we headed to Pizza Express.

So these are my favourite people. Well most of them that is, some of them were unable to make it tonight. It was a lovely evening - I ate my body weight in dough and got about a dozen hugs. What more could you want?

I will miss these folk, but it isn't really goodbye, I know I'll see some of them again. In fact, I already have plans to do just that!

In other news, I also got a third of my uni essay done today and went out for a wee 4 miler.

Exercise: 4 mile run
April running mileage: 10 miles
2013 running mileage: 335 miles

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