Ok, so it's a crap quality picture but how gorgeous is this smile?!

I feel like he has been smiling, genuinely, with his eyes for a week or so but in the past few days that has turned into a full blown proper smile. He likes it when I kiss his open mouth! Bless his cotton socks.

I'm tired again (surprise!) and today was busy so may summarise a little...

- breastfeeding councillor came. Isaac has suspected tongue tie. Personally I can't see it but he's being referred to have it seen and possibly snipped.
- Dr agrees with me about reflux but as he hasn't been weighed for 2 weeks then she couldn't prescribe any meds at the moment.
- Amelie has been rather good and happy today but I had to be pretty firm about things... Glad I stuck to my guns, hopefully she will get used to Mummy's rules again quickly.
- Isaac has been less grumpy but he's been in the moby nearly all day...
- my eyes are closing again
- Don't tell Chris but I spent £8 on three greetings cards. RIDICULOUS! I think I need to go back to making my own!

Finally, I've eaten a crazy amount of custard creams. I have the serious breastfeeding munchies. Just can't stop eating! If anyone has any ideas on how to stop myself from overloading on biscuits then kindly let me know!

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