Jack James

By JackJames

Paris! St Germain! Sun!

After a stressful journey to Paris via Charles de Gaul airport, a very, very long line for immigration and a metro journey into the unknown, I eventually found myself at the St Germain metro stop, where I met the wonderful Meg, who's lucky enough to be doing her year abroad in Paris, and was kind enough to invite me over to stay.

Big hugs, then the short walk to her flat. It was amazing to suddenly be in the most typically Parisian place, having just left Bath and the drizzle a few hours before. Strolling past bistros and patisseries and jazz bars - you couldn't be anywhere else.

Meg's flat is an old one, and an odd one - higgledy piggildy with a layout that has never been logical, with the route to the bedrooms though the bathroom, such that if anyone's using the loo you're trapped with no round route. However, the view is amazing, the house is lovely, and I'm so happy to be in Paris.

Amazing to have a real good catch up with meg; the last I spoke to her was at New Years.

A quick bite to eat then bed - travel takes it out of you!

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