Sandwich Bay

The weather was totally opposite today. Wall to wall sunshine, cold and crisp, just right for a walk at the coast.

After Sunday brunch we drove down to Sandwich, had a coffee and scone and set off along the banks of the Stour.

This time we took a different route that stretched out for miles into the desolate marshes of the Stour estuary following the route of the English Coast path and adding a missing link to our walk around the Kent coastline. We’ve now walked, over the years from Gillingham to Camber and on into East Sussex to Rye, Winchelsea and Hastings.

The beach, when we finally got there after 5 mikes on the marsh was magical. We’d seen great flocks of lapwings on the way. In the calm waters we saw a seal making it’s way up the coast. Very few people, lovely and isolated.

It was almost dark when we finally reached the car, - a nine mile trip.

Susan has asked me to pass on her thanks for all the kind and lovely comments, hearts and stars for her glass fusion piece. And you were right, it was an underwater scene.

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