Veins of a Carnivore

This temperate pitcher plant has been a godsend on our front windowsill, catching no end of flies. I've learned this afternoon that I should move it to a cool place during the winter.

Finally despatched the calendars, all 33 of them. Sadly, I fear that this will be the last year I shall do them. It's taking up too much time to prepare and envelope them, especially when there's so much to do before Christmas and the postage is outweighing the cost of printing. Mind you, if people are willing to pay, I'm disposed to reconsider.

After the trip to the Post Office and the Co-op, I took Basil out for a literal walk round the block. Settled down on my return to watch the first episode of The Green Planet on iPlayer.  It got a five star review in The Guardian.

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