Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

On Friday I had been asked to produce five Doomsday drawings, a task I shared with lovely boss so that I made three and he made two. Today another fourteen were requested, so I was allocated five, my young and flighty colleague was allocated another five, and lovely boss took four.
When flighty young colleague saw what we had been asked to do he told me he felt like he was loading the rifles for our own firing squad. I told him that was exactly what it was and that he had better get his CV out there because lovely boss wasn't going to do anything about his own career until everyone else was safely out of the door.
I the afternoon the brief was altered to something quite idiotic which would muddy the previously clear information and require that all nineteen drawings needed to be revisited. I went up a level and explained this, but I'm dealing with people who make requests before they have a clear idea of what they actually require and cannot be bothered to think things through before delegating tasks. 
So glad I'm leaving!
I sent an email round to all the people I've never met but with whom I work closely to let them know I will soon be grazing in pastures new and received some lovely responses. The first of which began “I'm gutted!”
Later, when everything was frantic I received a call from Jade the idiot detective. She can't get hold of anyone on the phone. I don't need this, I really don't. My prospective new home is dependent upon a guppy doing her job properly and she seems unfathomably incapable.
I had to stay late in the office because lovely boss is too willing and I am reliant upon him for a lift home.
Deep breaths! Almost over.

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