Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

The big day!

The one problem with being in Beltane AND having a photo journal is that whilst everyone else is there on the night, taking amazing photos, I've been up the hill since 10am too busy to even think about blipping so all I have to show (photo-wise) for an amazing night is the photo I took of my hoodie as I ran out of the flat in the morning.

The day was spent setting up the hill for the night, putting up barriers, building staging, attaching signs to trees etc. We then had a cues only walkthrough before a breif run through of our performances and a quick bite to eat. It was then off to the Bongo Club to get painted up and in to costume.

I can only speak for our part of the performance as that's all I really saw but it was fantastic. When the drums kicked off it was so nice to actually be able to dance to them for a while, other groups I've been in in the past haven't had chance to do that. Slight problem with lighting during our performance, now that digital cameras are so cheap and many phones have flashes on their cameras there was one point in our performance when we just couldn't see anything, we couldn't tell if the person next to us was one of our people or the red men we were moving out of our space. In future maybe we should practice our rehearsals under strobe lighting. Still an amazing though slightly terrifying experience, thankfully the rest went smoother.

Had so much fun, despite all the stress the week before, I don't think I would miss Beltane for anything.

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