As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Next To Me

Physics is fun.

I watched movies in my first and second period classes. Othello in English, and La Vita è Bella in Italian. Orchestra, and then phun physics. We learned about mirrors and light and Anthony volunteered for the perfect demonstration.

Graphic Art, pictures in APUSH, and then Dunkin and KFC with Aly, Belinda, and Jake. Math brought a nice close to the day.

Chilled in the physics room after school before an easy three at practice. We have another meet tomorrow...

After practice, I showered before going on a quick bike ride with Kaitlin, Avery, Lindsey, and eventually Jack. I went from that to Kings Park for my cello lesson, and now I'm finally home so I can get some rest before the 7:45 bus tomorrow.

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