RIP Family

I exported these photos in color and when I put them into the Collage It app, they're in mono - not sure what happened here.  I drive by this little cemetery on the way home and have wanted to stop to check it out, today was the day.  Most of the burials are slightly above ground in vaults of some sort - I guess owing to the high water table.  I didn't find any Grainger family members, but then I didn't stop to look at them all because I was on the clock for work.  I took a quick break to drive to Coastal Seafood, a little shanty type place that gets local fish right from the local fishermen. I think I've talked about them before, but the seafood is so fresh - it tastes completely different.  They were sold out of everything, well everything that I would buy, except for shrimp and the shrimp became scampi and it was tasty.  

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