Life Savers: Son, Daughter, Apple Watch

This will be short by necessity, but I don't want to lose my Blip contacts so thought a "status" blip would be appropriate.

On January 3 on one of those all-too-annoying-middle-of-the-night visits to the bathroom, I fell and fractured a vertebrae in my neck adding a gash on my head for good measure.  Both required an ambulance ride to the ER, four staples to close the gash and a neck brace which will be my new best friend for the next 10-12 weeks.

My Apple watch sent out the alarm, called the ambulance, relayed the code to my front door lock and my medical history to the emergency responders, and notified members of my family.  I basically didn't participate in the event until several hours later.  My son took care of the technicalities by phone etc., from his home in California and my daughter provided bedside comfort and hand holding while I was in the ER.  

I want to mention here that a year ago my son dragged me kicking and screaming into the world of technology when he gave me the watch.  I fussed and fumed about it, sometimes "forgetting" to wear it but gradually accepted the fact that at 81 and living alone I should just shut up and admit I might need help someday.  I am now both apologetic and converted.

As I start to feel better and the length of time I can sit up straight improves, I'll attempt to fill in some of my Blip blanks since Dec, 31st but they will mostly be snow, more snow. no snow, snow again and rain, with an occasional duck for diversion because, believe it or not, I continued to take pictures, if only out my back door.

 So, bear with me.  It takes a lot to keep a committed Blipper down so I only consider myself "out" for a short time.   

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