A very fitful night's sleeping for no reason that I could see. Didn't sleep after five and spent a couple of hours weeding out photos until I felt sufficiently energised to shower and clean my teeth. Breakfast restored me, the sun was shining and, after a while I went off in the car to look for a photo leaving Roomba in action downstairs. I wandered rather aimlessly and ended up in Dairsie. I'd been thinking about the chapel and the castle a while back but I crossed the bridge and found a little parking spot close to it. There was an earlier bridge which James IV is recorded as crossing in 1496 but the present one was built between 1522 and 1539 by James Beaton the Archbishop of St Andrews and displays his arms and initials. There have only been minor alterations since it was built about 500 years ago.
Getting into the car I spotted a line of poplars across the road so ended up with photos of them too. Dithered for quite a while over which to post as my main but the trees won. Most of the day was spent lazing around on the sofa. A lovely thank you card arrived from Emma with a photo of Wyatt. He's not even a month old yet. Began to get to grips with the manual I bought for my new camera. I've just been sticking with the basics and it's time I made an effort. Dozed off at one point. I think I'll sleep well tonight.
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