Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Bit of a rushed morning so I could get done in time to meet Farrier to sort Limes shoe out. Have been extremely lucky. The toe clip was embedded in his hoof and he had two punctures from the nails in his sole. Somehow he is not lame! Farrier said it's possible he could develop an abscess but thinks we've got away with it as he thinks it would have started by now. Said if he'd been a thoroughbred there'd be blood everywhere and he'd have been hopping lame. Phew! 

Mike did the school pick up as I was feeling really tired. These chemo tablets are really taking it out of me and I had a really bad nights sleep last night. Not really impressed that he volunteered me to take one of Eva's friends along with us to the yard. So had to do a mini riding lesson for her. But on positive note Eva pushed herself to have a canter as she was showing off to her friend!! First canter since she fell off. Went straight to bed after dinner.

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