Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

I knew, somehow, the moment we arrived in the graveyard that Marya's father was buried under that tree. I told myself that was silly, and went about searching every place else with her. Finally, when she thought perhaps we should go inside and ask...I wandered to the tree. And there was his marker.

Had I astral traveled here before? I seem to visit so many places in my dream time...and all of this looked so familiar. As if I'd been there. And then the feeling of him saying "yes, you have come here to communicate with me before", and how bizarre this is, I'd say.

And I wept. I had no idea that I would feel anything. It has been so many years and we were divorced by the time he headed Home. But, it hit me pretty hard, and I ended up being pretty much a basket case when we went to grab a coffee at Starbucks.

"Good going, Dad" Marya said, "Thanks for being near a Starbucks." haha

For me, it was a true realization that he wasn't just away again. That he wasn't off doing something else. But, I guess he is busy doing something else when I think about it.

Anyway, it was a tough day all round. God bless you Fred.

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