Happy Day

How splendid it is to wake up to sunshine, even more so when the lovely light lasts all day. What a difference it makes to mood and motivation. 

Well, the major personal achievement for my day was that I drove my car. Although I've been home in the UK for just over a month, I just haven't needed to drive until this afternoon when I drove in to Chelmsford for an eye test. I was amazed how easily mind and body remembered how to do it (I haven't driven since November 2019). Equally amazed to discover that the eye test showed that my long distance vision hasn't deteriorated in the three years since my last test. Nevertheless, I chose some new glasses that'll be ready at the end of next week. 

Now home and preparing dinner for bro and me, and packing, because tomorrow I'm off on travels to the South of England.  Watch this space !

I was happy, I think, to see that very little has changed in the centre of town since I was last there. Today's pic features the top of the High street, and in particular, Chelmsford's Shire Hall, completed in 1791 located in Tindal Square.  It is a Grade II listed building and was the local magistrates court until 2012. 

I am appalled at today's development in the Bojo/covid/party-during-lockdown farce that's all over the news that continued today with the news about parties at No 10 the night before Prince Phillip's funeral when the country was in official mourning and the restrictions on social grouping due to covid forbad any kind of 'gatherings. 

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