Sun Up

Well it was a trip to Leeds today and as usual I will get my ramble over before mentioning the picture so as its the weekend again I tend to eat junk food either on the Friday night or Saturday so last night we went to get takeaway pizza from pizza hut so I had ordered pepperoni and Sandra ordered a super supreme so after waiting ten minutes I told Sandra I would get my lottery whilst she went to get special ice cream from the shop next door so Sandra went back to the car and I got the pizzas, garlic bread and wedges and as they had gave me the wrong pizza I was given a slice of frozen cookie dough cheesecake so as I was driving Sandra said I can't remember you ordering cheesecake I said that was because they gave me ham and pineapple instead of pepperoni she said but you ordered ham and pineapple I said no I wanted pepperoni she replied I know you wanted that but when you were asked you asked for ham and pineapple and she thought I had changed my mind OOPS oh well too late I will reimburse them the next time I go and I was starving a 13 inch pizza did not last long I'll tell yeah Sandra thought I had swallowed a Frisbee so I was totally bloated but it was worth it apart from all that dough fermenting in my stomach all night it made for a windy drive to Leeds but I guess it worked ok as it blew me into Leeds four minutes early haha so I had two hours to roam about and I just couldn't be arsed so you will have to suffer another sun shot this time the sun was rising in the East as I was traveling into work on the 06:40 Scotrail service to Edinburgh from Inverkeithing so you can see in the far distance North Berwick Law along with the Islands of Inchkeith and Inchmickery with the Hound Point Oil Transfer Terminal so a nice shot except for a wee bit of glare through the glass and my movie for the day will be "The Terminal 2004" and this is my blip for the day and the junk food continued all day as after my Costa I ate two Toffee crisps some chicken flavour pringles and another bar of chocolate which you have to guess the clue is as a kid at school we would run round the playground singing the song of the advert for this chocolate and it went like this What Has A Hazelnut In Every Bight and being rebellious primary school kids when that song was sung the next words were loudly ripped out Squirrel Shite so see how many remember singing that back at school then oh we had fun all those years back singing that seem ages ago I donned the Brown and Pink blazer of Roseburn primary School talking of which I remember my mum getting me matching pants and vest in Brown with Pink Piping god they were hideous she probably though it would camouflage the skid marks on my underwear hahahah oh the memories I must have taken too many happy pills today oh well enjoy the rest of your weekend so hopefully will catch up with all your recent shots this weekend as well

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