youngies journey

By youngie66

Union Of South Africa

Well that was a long day and a half getting back from Calgary in Canada after visiting my father in law who has terminal cancer so after rushing out of Gatwick after problems with getting the baggage off the plane I was struggling to make my planned train out of Kings Cross but instead of getting the train from Gatwick to St Pancreas and then cross the road to King Cross as I would have missed the 10am Aberdeen service I worked out if I took the Gatwick Express to London Victorian and then used my Oyster card on the tube to Kings Cross I could make my train with 15 minutes to spare phew just made it anyway as we pulled out of York I got this shot of one of a few remaining A4 Pacifics left and is The Union Of South Africa and was based at Haymarket Shed back in the old BR days so it was a long day and the coach I was in was mobbed after Newcastle with returning Hen and Stag parties heading back to Aberdeen and one lass was absolutely rank as she kept Farting and honking the train out urrggghhhhh it was giving me the dry Boak oh well I'm just glad no one was lighting a fag as we could all have went Kaboom ! lol and I have the worst job at the depot early tomorrow so hope I get a good sleep and get rid of the jet lag anyway movie for the day is " Out Of Africa 1985" Looks nice LARGE as well See Ya

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