
By LyndyH

Along the Wherryman's Way

Feeling even better in myself today, we decided to go for a walk alongside the River Yare between Bramerton and Surlingham.

My energy levels are so low and I was walking so slowly, that Mr H had to keep waiting for me to catch up. Now that is unheard of and it is usually the other way round and me having to wait for him! He suggested our pace was only two miles per hour! I certainly did feel like I was walking through treacle and when we got home, I needed a lie down in order to recover.

In case you are wondering, the Wherryman's Way is in the heart of the Norfolk Broads. It is a 35 mile route between Great Yarmouth and Norwich, following the River Yare. It takes its name from the wherry - a large cargo carrying barge with large black sails which were once a common site on the Broads.

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