
By LyndyH

Moving on ......

...... with Little Man in our hearts.

Today was the right time for us to take Harris's things to the Dogs Trust at Snetterton.

For a little dog, our Little Man had accumulated a lot of possessions. He had several dog beds with an array of bedding, including fleecy blankets and cushions. All his toys filled a couple of big bags and as I always kept his cupboard well stocked, there were boxes of dog food and biscuits. Our donations were greatfully received.

We were invited to 'take a look around', but we smiled and hastily declined their offer, leaving with the sound of dogs barking ringing in our ears.

Although it was difficult, I'm really proud of myself for today. It feels good to know that some needy dogs will benefit from Harris's things.

The Dogs Trust is the UK's largest dog welfare charity. I so admire the work they do and have been a member and a supporter for more years than I can remember.

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