Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Unsurprisingly Jack likes hot chocolate! 

Lovely horsey outdoorsy Saturday. I went for an early frosty cold ride with Kim and Georgia. Kim took Buddy and Georgia borrowed Vali a beautiful mare. The boys got silly and competitive as they do whenever they have a plus one. It was fun if not very controlled!! 

After all my jobs I had three dogs to walk in Quorn then back to the yard for the kids lesson. I missed the start so hadn't seen Eva's choice of gloves (thin summer ones!) Half way through her lesson she started sobbing that her hands were freezing. I found her decent winter gloves but it was too late for her to get her hands warm. She did do a bit more but ended up finishing early. Tobes did ever so well in his lesson.

We put Jack to bed early and went home. It was the last thing I felt like doing but I still had one more run of week 2 of C25k to do so I forced myself out in the cold again. Tobes came with me for moral support! 

Watched Gulliver's travels with Jack Black after dinner. He has one of those faces that just makes me laugh and I love anything with him in it. The kids were in hysterics! 

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