I'm a barbie girl

Shish is a bit fast for us all today. She's talking constantly and changing the subject every five seconds. And jumping around a lot. And then talking some more. About a different subject. So it was a great relief when she withdrew to her room to listen to a story CD from the library and to play with Barbie and Ken. I assume plastic people are a bit more immune to yadda yadda yadda. Today I have looked at her and thought "that's just what I was like as a child, I must be more patient with her."

I got the chicken run ready for new chickens today - hopefully we'll get some nice ones tomorrow and we will be back in the land of egg. I also went to an info event about something that I'm not quite ready to plaster all over the interweb yet, so that's a secret. But an exciting and happy one.

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