Place: St Pete Beach, FL 60/67
Main activity: Sun - inside
Notes: Woke in the 3a hour and was up for awhile. Before 4a, red flashing lights filled the place even thru the blinds. No sound but watched as St Pete Fire & Rescue was parked  in the street and went into the door across the way. An ambulance showed up then and parked behind, more flashing lights, no sound. The bed was wheeled up to the door and people disappeared inside. Went for quite awhile and then all plus 2 others came out, all went to respective vehicles and drove off - no one got in ambulance or was helped out. Very weird. Was able to go back to sleep then till almost 8a (unheard of lately to wake up that late). VEERRRRY windy all thru the day, some heavy rain came thru and we had morning tornado warnings. The 2nd day of the race went but not many runner and felt sorry for the workers out standing on the course. Bizarre-feeling day for me and felt very strange when I woke at 8a - lasted for awhile. Low key day otherwise, wind whipped even worse in the evening (thought some of these old crappy windows might give way). 

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