
By pattons6

Can you tell I have been trouble today?

Of course not. Well, maybe just a little bit but its fun. I rolled away every nappy change, on was nearly a disaster as mummy hasn't taken my dirty nappy off properly yet. My picture is me crawling away from mummy with my socks, as I thought it was a great game.

We went out for a wee run in the car and a short walk to get me fresh air but I haven't been right today. I have had so many dirty nappies mummy lost count. I ate all my lunch but refused most of my dinner. I have had 3 bottles though so I have has enough to fill my wee tummy . I had great fun running round the livingroom today in my walker but got a bit tired so had a quick nap.

Tomorrow I am going to grandma and grandad's to play as mummy is going to the hospice, where she volunteers. I am so excited, I can't wait.

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