Day 4 of covid isolation.
There have been no more significant messages coming through my prototype transmitter/reciever, just random cosmic noise. I still spent hours going through the recordings last night and then fell asleep completely knackered with a hint of tinnitus in my ears. I woke up during the night to some noise by my window but when I pulled up the external venetian blinds there was nothing there. I stared for a while into the darkness but didn't see anything unusual. When I closed the venetians again I noticed a twolegged green egg on the windowsill (extra). I left it there and went back to sleep. The following morning I was sure that I had just had a silly dream, but the egg was still there so I picked it up and decided to prepare some english breakfast for a change. I was very startled when I broke the egg in my smallest skillet and saw what I assume was a robotic katydid climbing out of the egg shell. I just managed a quick snap before the katydid started jumping around my kitchen, leaving eggy footprints all over the place. I opened the door to the balcony and the katydid flew out and disappeared into the orange sunrise. When I went back to preparing the breakfast I noticed the letters
2⭐Dx in the egg white. What the...
I have been thinking about the message (for I'm convinced that's what it is) ever since, and after hours of pondering (and googling) I think I'm finally on to something and have decided that tonight I will have to leave my bedroom window open (I always do) as well as the blinds when I go to sleep!
- 28
- 1
- Canon EOS 70D
- 1/6
- f/2.8
- 105mm
- 100
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