Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

My dogs

2 Jack Russells

Very naughty and very lovable

Vince is almost 14 and Mini is just 9


Movie notes…

What makes a good short

Well firstly it is not a condensed feature film

No character development no lengthy plot build up and as our fantastic tutor explained no catharsis

Class can anyone of you explain to me what is meant by catharsis

Duh all around

Well blippers I can’t explain in a short time what that means but he said

.. class please watch these one shot shorts

(One continuous shot - no cuts - no out-takes and tell me they are not genius)

Our tutor explained what catharsis means after we watched these. If you have time please watch these. As FS. (Film students) we were hungry to watch these and discuss afterwards.

We then broke into groups of 5, and made a 2 minute one shot take. It was really fun.

The first is called Convenience and second is called Nursery Rhymes

Remember these are one shot (no cuts) and evoke strong emotions

I think you might agree

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